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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Project: Organizing My Niece's Dresser

     As you can guess, I love when the opportunity arises for me to help someone else get organized. So yesterday while I was babysitting my nieces, I went into the 14 year old's bedroom and this is what I saw!
     (Sorry about the picture quality, I didn't have my camera with me so I had to use my cell phone.) I was in an organizing mood so I decided to show her how I had organized my dresser! 
     I had no idea how long this would take, I guessed about an hour. I had my 9 year niece 'help' me too. I was actually surprised though, she did help me fold some of the shirts and she actually did a good job. 
     So the first thing that I did was open all the drawers and see where she was keeping her different clothes. She keep her capris in the bottom left drawer and her jeans in the middle right drawer. She didn't have them folded, well she didn't really have any of her clothes folded. So that was the first thing I changed, I moved the jeans down to the bottom right drawer. I folded them in half length wise and then folded it in half 3 times. So instead of looking like this...

The two bottom drawers now looked like this...

Then it was on to her shirts. The top right drawer is her t-shirts that she wears when she goes out of the house and the middle right drawer that used to hold her jeans, is now where her t-shirts that she wears around the house goes. This was her "lounge shirt" drawer before...

And after...

Look at how much more space it gave her!!!!! And now she can see all of her comfy shirts too!
Here was her "casual shirt" drawer before. She couldn't even close it because there were too many and the doll was in the way.

And now...

Then in the middle right drawer she had all her long sleeve shirts. We found a lot of long sleeve shirts in other drawers simple because there wasn't room for them to be all in one drawer. Before...

And after, all of them fit!

And finally in her top right drawer, she had her swimsuits and cover-ups as well as her casual tank tops. 
Before it was so annoying to have to dig through all of the clothes...

And now...

It's great! The left row has all of her swimsuits, swim-shorts and cover-ups. Then the other two rows are her tank tops.
So then once it was all organized it looked like this!

So you tell me, which one is better?

Or this?

I think it's pretty obvious. And guess how long it took me? Only 45 minutes! Now that's OrganizedForReal!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's really the point of organizing, take a small chunk of time to put systems in place and then very little time to maintain! :) Glad you enjoyed it!
