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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Project: Organizing Dresser Drawers

     Have you ever opened up one of your dresser drawers only to wonder how you are ever going to find what you are looking for? Have you ever decided to refold all the wrinkled shirts in your drawer only to realize that there are shirts that you have forgotten about but actually love? I think we have all been there and done that. But what if I said that you will never have to deal with messy, overfilled drawers again? 
     This had always been one of my problems that drove me crazy until about a month ago. I was watching an organizing video on YouTube and it has changed everything! Alejandra Costello has an amazing channel on YouTube called HomeOrganizing. 3 weeks ago she posted a video on How to Fold A T-shirt. Check this video out so that you can see how to do it. 
 Sounds stupid and way too simple right? WRONG! I'll admit it, as soon as I saw the whole video, I refolded all my T-shirts! She used a tool to fold them this way but there is no reason you can't fold them by hand. Why buy a tool that will take up more of your valuable room to "simplify" your life?
     I wish that I would have taken before pictures (I will from now on with any of my projects) so that you could compare but I didn't. Here are the after pictures:
     This is my drawer of T-shirts as well as my long sleeve shirts. I slightly had to modify the way I folded them from the way that I folded T-shirts. I just folded the sleeve in first and then continued to fold them the way described in the video. 

     Then this is the drawer where I keep all my dressy shirts that don't need to be hung up as well as my sweaters. The two rows on the left are shirts, the two rows on the right are sweaters. I also organized them but color so that they are easy to find.
     Then finally here is my drawer with all my camisoles and tanks (a lot, I know). To fold these, I just folded the top down to the bottom of the arm hole and then folded in fourths. 
     And there you have it! I really love this system because I can open the drawer and see every shirt I have, none are hidden. When you take a shirt out, it doesn't ruin the row and shirts are very easy to put back where they belong. It is also very nice because the way you fold it allows you to see the front of the shirt so you can easily identify which shirt you are looking for! Try it out, I know you'll love it! It's what has made my dresser drawers OrganizedForReal!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully organized, I just did a post on my chest drawer organization myself
