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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tip of the Day: Is It Possible to Organize on A Small Budget?

     Today's tip of the day comes in response to a comment from my good friend Brittney. She ask me if I have any tips for organizing on a SMALL budget. 
     That is a big misconception that people get about organizing. "You have to send lots of money on containers and organizing tools!" Well, let's get real, people don't have a lot of extra money to spend on organizing. We just need to have a practical way to keep our life in order. Organizing isn't all about a container for this, a folder for that, a label on this, a sticker on that. It is about things having a place and having a system in plan and keeping it that way. 
     Granted, sometimes you may find that you need a binder or a container for a specific reason normally for the areas where you are having a lot of congestion. But you don't have to spend a lot of money on them. In our town, we have a dollar store and a Dollar General. The dollar store is great because everything is one dollar! They have binders, folders and plastic containers. Their inventory is always changing because they get different things in all the time. So try going to a place like that every so often. I haven't been for a while, I should go soon too!
     But the majority of organizing is making sure everything has a place and grouping like things together and then putting things back where they go. Have a place where you keep your books, movies, paperwork, cleaning supplies, shoes, etc. Have things organized so that when you are looking for something you know exactly where to look thus saving you time and frustration. Then you will be OrganizedForReal!