
Please leave me comments of what you would like to see in the future for tips and projects!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Project: Book Pedestals

     On Monday, I had a shout out to the DoItOnaDime channel on Youtube and I mentioned her awesome idea for a book pedestal. I was planning on waiting to do this until we were in the condo but Graham Cracker's (my husband's) Star Wars book was screaming at me. And before you freak out, yes, I ask for his permission to use his book! It's a Saturday afternoon and I felt like a crafty project. So I decided I would try this out.
     Now in her video she said that she made one in about 10 minutes. I was watching tv online and I wasn't really paying attention to how long it took. But it's a great thing to do while you are sitting doing something else. It's easy to fold the pages because after the first page you just fold it to the spine of the book. (At least that is what I did with the first one, you'll have to keep reading to see what I did later!) As you go on it gets harder to fold them because the book is folding into the circle but just follow her instructions and you will be fine. Then when you get to the end, it creates a perfect circle! It's so cool!

     So here is how my first one turned out!
From the top it looks like this...

     Graham Cracker thought that it was really neat so he gave me his other Star Wars book. Awwww so sweet! LOL! But I didn't want to make it the same as the other one. I got an idea! I decided that I would do the first 25 pages the way that I had before but the the next 25 I would only fold a third of the page in. I keep track of how many pages I had to fold until the change but following the page numbers. It was harder to keep the thirds even but I just used the title at the top of the page to judge how far to fold it. It worked great! And it's so cool! 

And from the top...

     Isn't that awesome? I have a lot more ideas of ways that I can fold the books and I can't wait to try them! But what if you don't want to ruin all your books? Well, I got a few ideas. Our library has old books that are always for sale for less than a dollar a piece! Also, I am going to check out our super dollar store here in town and of course, you can always find tons of books at garage sales for super cheap! I am also very excited to try different sizes of books. The first book I did was a little over 350 pages and the second one was almost 500. You could try books with more or less pages as well as different page sizes! I can't wait to try more!
     And you may be thinking, "Yeah, that's cool and everything but what am I going to do with them? Well check out the new centerpiece on our coffee table!!!! I love it and so does Graham Cracker!

     Isn't that awesome???? So not only can you find a new purpose for those books that you don't want anymore but you can also find a use for cheap books that no one wants anymore and decorate your house at the same time!!! I hope you decide to give this a try so that you can really be Organized DecoratedForReal!

1 comment:

  1. i was up late one night and i tried this little project! it was fun! took a wile, but i loved how it turned out. super cute. although i need to do a few more and then set them up nice. but over all i like it a lot!
