
Please leave me comments of what you would like to see in the future for tips and projects!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Update: 1000 pageviews!!!!

     Hey Guys! Last night I reached 1000 page views in about a month and a half! Thank you so much for checking my blog out! I hope that you have enjoyed it! Keep coming back to see what other ideas you can get when it comes to organizing or decorating! I have some awesome ideas for posts coming up so keep checking back! If you have any ideas or things you would like to see, please, please, please, leave me comment below! Until then, stay OrganizedForReal!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dollar Store Haul- 11/1/12

      Today I thought I would post my first Dollar Store Haul! In our town we have a great dollar store! Of course everything is a dollar or less but the merchandise is also always changing! So today I was going to the dollar store with a goal in mind but while I was there I wanted to check things out since I hadn't been there for a long time. 
     When I went I knew that I wanted to get 2 mugs and 6 picture frames. The picture frames are for one of my best friends wedding reception on Saturday. The 2 mugs were for making personalized mugs for part of their gift. Look for that post soon.
     When I came home and took everything out of the bags this is what I came home with! And all for a little more than 20 dollars!!!


Here are the picture frames that I got for the reception, they all have a mirrored frame. We are going to put their engagement pictures in them and then after the reception, they can keep them!

Then, in this picture, you can see the 2 mugs I got as well as a basket, a scarf, a wolf, and 2 chocolate bars. How does this make a wedding gift? Well, you'll just have to wait to read that post won't you? It is awesome!

I also got 3 different sizes of containers to use for organizing, I'm not use what I am going to do with all of them but I will let you know when I use them.

Then I also found a recipe organizer and cable flags. Keep a look out for posts about these in the near future!

     Then I got something that my husband had ask for the night before when we made spaghetti. We had to get rid of our old pasta spoon and we have both missed it. Then finally I got something for myself. Our dollar store always has cute jewelry and many times it is the same jewelry that you would see in Target! But honestly, aren't those cute earrings??? Love them!

     So how you ever gone to the dollar store and found some awesome stuff? Please share your stories with me! I'd love to hear them! Then we can learn how to HaulForReal!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tip of The Day: Cleaning With Friends

     Do you ever know that you need to clean but you have no desire? Do you ever feel like if you just had someone to help you that you could get motivated? I think we have all been there haven't we?I've been meaning to write this post for a while but time has just escaped me. This happened to me one day while we were still at our old house. There was so much to do but I had zero motivation.I was texting one of my girlfriends, Brittney, and she was having the same problem. So I suddenly got the idea, "Why don't we just clean together?" Well, the problem with that is that we live a state apart so that was out of the question but then I thought, "Why don't we just clean our own houses at the same time?" That way we would know that we weren't the only ones doing it.     
    So I told Brittney my idea. The rules were:
1.) For 1 hour, we have to clean as much as we can as fast as we can!
2.) No sitting down!
3.) No texting each other until the hour was over!
     She thought that it was a great idea so off we went! I was amazed at how much I got done! I got all the laundry ready to wash, started a load, did all the dishes, and picked up the whole house! It was great! 
     Then we texted for a little bit and I said that we should do a second hour. I decided that for the second hour we had to do something that we had been putting off. For Brittney it was folding the huge pile of laundry. For me, it was writing a card and wrapping a gift for my brother-in-laws graduation party that day! So off we went again! And we both accomplished our goal after that hour!
     So next time that you are not feeling motivated but know that you need to get something done, text one of your girlfriends and set a time limit to get as much done as you can! You'll be amazed at how much you will get done! And maybe after that you can have a girls night to celebrate!
Try this and your house will be clean and OrganizedForReal!!!