
Please leave me comments of what you would like to see in the future for tips and projects!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Exciting news!

      So for those of you who have been following me and wondering where I have "run away" to yet again, I'm sorry I haven't been around. Life just never seems to slow down and in fact it only "speeds up". It's like I'm always "running from here to there". 
     Ok, enough puns! I'm excited to announce that I have a new blog in addition to OrganizedForReal! Check out! So as you may have guessed I have a new hobby that I have fallen in love with, running! So go ahead and check it out as I start my new journey in running. 
      And again, I am sorry that I have been very active in the blogging world but I hope life will cooperate with me and let me get back into it. I am hoping to have a short daily running update on my new blog but also a weekly update on this blog as well. My love of cooking and organizing hasn't changed and there is so much to blog about. Well I better "run"! Sorry, last pun I promise! So until we meet again, stay OrganizedForReal!