
Please leave me comments of what you would like to see in the future for tips and projects!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Project: Sugar Scrubs

     Sugar scrubs- so luxurious but they can be so expensive! I did a quick google search of sugar scrubs and you can spend between 10 and 90 dollars on one sugar scrub! I can't believe that! You might be surprised to learn that you may even have all of the ingredients that you need for your very own sugar scrub in your very own pantry! So not only will you save money but it will be an all natural product that is even safe to eat!
     Yesterday was girls day at one of my girlfriends and on the agenda along with coffee and lots of talking was making sugar scrubs! Nikki had gone to the dollar store the day before and found adorable glass jars, some ribbon and scrapbook paper for cute tags! We had looked at several different recipes online, Pinterest of course, and decided that we would make two different ones. We talked about the combination of ingredients that we wanted to have in each one and came up with "Lemon Drop" and "Cinnamon Roll"! 

     For the "Lemon Drop" recipe, put about 5 cups of white sugar, about 1 1/4 cups of lemon juice and 1 cup of olive oil in a bowl and mix. The "Lemon Drop" is great as it is but we decided that next time we would add some lemon essential oil so that it has an even stronger lemon scent.

     You may need to adjust the sugar or the liquid in order to get it to the consistency that you prefer but remember that as it sets in your jar that it will separate and you will need to mix it when you use it. 

     When we were coming up with the recipe for the "Cinnamon Roll" we were thinking of literal ingredients in a cinnamon roll. You have sugar, brown sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon right? Now how amazing would those ingredients be in a scrub? We made a double recipe of two different mix's, a light and a dark mix and layered them to look like frosting on a cinnamon roll!

     For the "frosting" mixture we used 3 cups of white sugar, 2 cups of coconut oil that we melted. With this scrub we wanted it to be thicker so that the layers would stand out better instead of them mixing in the jar. 

     For the "cinnamon" mixture we mixed 3 cups of brown sugar, 2 cups of coconut oil, 2 tsp vanilla and 2 tsp cinnamon. Then we just alternated layers and we think it turned out pretty amazing if I do say so myself! So cute! And let me tell you, they are heavy jars!!!

     Now as you can see in the "Lemon Drop" jar, it was already separating by the time we took the picture as it was the first one that we made. There is nothing wrong with that, just be sure to mix it as you use it.

     This morning when I took my shower I decided to use some of the "Cinnamon Roll" scrub before I shaved. When I opened it, it was as I had expected. There was a layer of solid coconut oil on top. So I dug into it and I think that as I get down into the sugar it will be fine. But next time we may try and do half coconut oil and half olive oil. Now if you use a smaller container for your scrub and your shower gets nice and hot, it may remelt as coconut oil has a low melting point at 76 degrees. 

     But to know how great this sugar scrub really is, you are going to have to try it out yourself! Its a great exfoliant, but not harsh. It's super moisturizing with wonderful healthy oils, leaving your skin silky smooth. And we can't forget that they smell great!!! So go ahead, try them out and let me know what you think of them and be sure to share your favorite recipes with me! So until next time, scrub away and stay OrganizedForReal!

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year

      A new year, a new start to my blog? Perhaps. Sometimes life gets too crazy but then you have to step back and realize that some things need to take more priority than they have in the future. That's what I feel like is happening for me. Life has been ridiculously busy and lots of things have gotten pushed aside. But the last few weeks I have had a break from work and have been able to get caught up on some things, have some time to relax and have some time to refocus.   

Blogging is something that I really did enjoy. And how amazing to check on my blog and see that there are over 3,300 views of this blog! With things slowing down in my life, one of the things I have been working on is getting my life back into a schedule and order. I  have lots of things that I want to share with you and I can't wait to do it! I'm going to try to post a couple of times a week. Possibly a meal plan along with another post. Be sure to check out my other blog at for my fitness and health tips as well! So until my next post, stay OrganizedForReal my friends!