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Monday, September 24, 2012

Life Update: Moving

     So last night it finally hit me. We are moving in 2-3 weeks! Panic right??? Well, I'm not really panicking (yet anyway). But this realization was definitely a motivation to start packing. So last night I decided I might as well get started. I decided to start with the closet that was basically our storage closet. This is what it looked like before from the hallway... 

Here is a view looking from the top so that you can see the back of the closet...

And this is what it looked like after.... 

     Most of what was in the closet was already in rubber totes or boxes but I took everything out, went through it and labeled the boxes. I decided that I am going to make sure that all boxes are well labeled. They will have a label that tells what is in the box but also what room it will go in. This way when we are actually moving, as soon as the box comes in the door, it can go into the appropriate room. I not only finished this closet but I also went through the bathroom and took out all the towels that we will not need as well as any toiletries and extra supplies that I can live without for a month. So all that is left in our bathroom is things that we need until we move. 
     Also, our moving experience is going to be somewhat different than many people moving experiences. We are currently living in my boss' house. I have house-sat for them for the last 3 years as they spend most of their time in Texas. But now it is definitely time for my husband and I to have a place that is truly our own. We are buying a condo that is a little less than 1000 square feet. It is going to be a welcome change as we are currently living in a 3 story house that I am quite tired of taking care of. So keep checking for moving updates! I am going to try to keep blogging so that you can see the changes but who knows how crazy busy we will be. I will try to be sure to take pictures along the way so that I can at least post about our move after things settle down. So until next time, I'm out!

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