
Please leave me comments of what you would like to see in the future for tips and projects!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update: Condo after pictures!

   So after Saturday and Sunday of unpacking this is what our first home looks like! We have done a lot since then but there will be more posts to come on that!

Our living room before...

And after! The living room turned out great! Since this picture we have curtains up and hopefully soon we can start putting pictures on the walls!

Here are our computers (mine on the left, Graham's on the right). Graham spent 2 hours putting my desk together! Thank you hunny! I love it!

Another view of the living room facing our front door.

Here's my awesome kitchen. It's the smallest kitchen that I've ever had but I still make amazing food in it! The electric stove hasn't treated me too badly! I tried to set something (not the food) on fire but that's a story for another time!

And remember that boring, ugly bathroom?

 Isn't it pretty now?
Like I said we still have a lot of work to do but it's our home! Stay tuned for more tips and tricks that I am using and you can be OrganizedForReal!

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