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Monday, October 29, 2012

Update: Unpacking

     So now, I had to figure out how to unpack all this stuff! Luckily we had all weekend to work on it. And I had the help of Graham and his mom, Mary was sooooo much help! 
She'd probably kill me for putting this picture on here but it's the only picture I took of her helping! Sorry Mary!

Mary rocked the kitchen! She said that she didn't really do anything but she helped so much! She worked and worked on the rack in the toaster oven (I don't think I had ever cleaned it because I thought it was beyond help when it was at Graham's apartment) until it shined!!! She unpacked basically all the kitchen for me. Soon I will start posting about some of the cool organizing ideas that I am using in the condo including the kitchen!

Graham worked hard on moving things around in the living room so that I could clean before we set things up since I didn't get a chance to clean before we moved. 

We didn't even lose any of the legs for the couches!!! Yeah!!!!

See? A lot more stuff went into the guest bedroom as we went!

Look! We have closets!!! I am so excited about that! From this picture it looks like Graham was going to get half of the closet but I hadn't hung any of my stuff up yet! He has about a sixth of it now. What can I say? I have a lot of clothes! I also can't wait to share what I did with my shoes with you!

Time to put clothes in the dressers! Can't wait until we have the other dressers for the guest bedroom so then we can put all our clothes away, I still have some in baskets. 
That's all the pictures I have for unpacking, tomorrow you get to see the final reveal! We still have a lot to do but it will give you an idea of how we have the condo set up!

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