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Friday, October 19, 2012

Update: Still alive

     I know, I know! It's been almost a week since my super quick update! I'm actually sitting in the airport waiting for a friend to come home so I thought that I would check in quick. 
     So we are completely moved into the condo, none of our stuff is in our other house. It took a while to get to this point but I'm glad that we are. We have a lot unpacked and still some more to go. I have the kitchen, living room, bathroom and master bedroom all unpacked (except for clean laundry that I finished moving yesterday!) We still need to hang pictures and decorations, hang curtains (which needs done badly, someone (not me) is a little paranoid without them up) and move the guest bedroom furniture from my parents house. I got tired of unpacking but I finally did some more last night and I got a lot done. 
     I will get pictures on here soon, I promise. It's been kind weird, I haven't really had the desire to post anything lately, just been too busy with life. I want to post about the condo and I also want to post about some of the awesome freebies that I have gotten lately. Maybe this weekend things will slow down, I doubt it but maybe. Then I will try to get on here and at least post about the condo so that way you can see pictures! I am sure you are just dying to see it right? Well, I think I have rambled enough, my friend should be landing soon. Until next time, stay OrganizedForReal!

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