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Monday, May 20, 2013

Motivation and Inspiration

     Happy Monday everyone! Sorry it took me so long to post this, had some issues with Blogger on the iPad. This week isn't starting out on the best of terms for me, I think my allergies are trying to become a sinus infection and I have been dealing with some heart issues (don't worry, I've had this for years) but I guess that gave me more time to work on today's post. 
     When it comes to organizing we all have to to find our own motivation and inspiration. Those things may sound like they are very similar but really they are two different things. What is your motivation for being organized? Motivation is defined as:

1.) The reason or reasons one has for acting in a particular way.
2.) The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

So what is your reason to organize your life? Is it to decrease your stress level? Is it so you can focus more on spending quality time with your family? Is it so that you can find ways to save a little more money? Is it because you can't stand the chaos anymore? Find the reason you need to organize your life and then you will have your motivation. Motivation is what moves us toward our goals.
But then the second thing we have to find is our inspiration. Inspiration is defined as:

1.) The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative

So what is it that mentally stimulates you? Is it a picture of a calm and organized. Space that you would love to call your own?is it a certain type of music that makes you feel productive? Is it the calm that you feel when you are in an organized space?

There are so many ways that we can find our motivation and our inspiration. But it is something that we can only find for ourselves. I guess you could say that motivation is the reason that we want and inspiration is the reason that we do. 

So today, think about the things that you want for your life and then find what moves you to act. If we take some time to determine this, then we can be OrganizedForReal!

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