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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hello? Is anyone there?

     Yes! I'm here, I'm here! I'm back! Being sick at home for a while and not being able to do much leads you back to the computer quite often! It's been far too long that I've been away from OrganizedForReal! Let's try to change that shall we? New day, slightly new look to the blog too!

      The last few months have brought about quite a few changes for us, nothing too big like a house or a baby but there have been a couple things that have made a significant impact on our lives. Not too long ago I discovered Dave Ramsey. Long story short, I've become obsessed. In fact, right now as I am typing, I am listening to his show on his website. Here in the Hull household we have adopted the baby steps and I am happy to say that we are on baby step 3! But wait, what are the baby steps you may ask!?! Simply put they are as follows:

1.) Save 1000 dollars in an emergency fund.
2.) Pay off all debt (except for your mortgage).
3.) Build a three to six month emergency fund.
4.) Save 15% for retirement.
5.) Save college funding for your children if you have any and if you choose to finance their college. 
6.) Pay off your home mortgage.
7.) Build wealth and give, give, give!

     In our journey, I have have read tons of financial articles and I am just amazed at the financial situation of the average person today! The average person is in debt over 15,000 dollars! I'm not in any debt so there is someone out there with a whole lot more! People have become so used to making payments on EVERYTHING that they have no idea what it is like to have any money leftover at the end of the week, to have money to save or even money to give. It's a sad situation. One thing that Dave tells many people is that they are making way too much money to be as broke as they are. That's just such an amazing thought to me. 

     Yesterday I got to help someone come up with a budget and they will be current on all bills, paying bills on time and in advance and have baby step 1 done as well by January 1st! "Well that must take a lot of time to figure all that out!" is what you are thinking right? WRONG! We figured it all out in about two hours! It was amazing! And this morning I heard from her again and she said that she got to sit down with her husband last night, they looked over it, made a couple minor changes and they are going to be following the plan and working on it together! How awesome is that? 

     Needless to say, working with this family has definitely given me an boost and an idea. I am thinking about becoming a financial advisor. Yes, there are financial advisers out there but most are just focused on investing not on helping those who are struggling now. I have no idea where this is going to take me and I have a lot of research to do before I decide anything. 

      But I also wanted to come back to this blog with a slight spin on things. We are going to stay OrganizedForReal but I also want to include some articles on how to be organized with your finances, your budget, saving you more money! What do think? Can we do it? Sure we can! Let's get OrganizedForReal!!! 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, I actually saw you referring to this post in the DR group on facebook. I'm considering this too as far as a career change too, please keep us updated on your research. Thanks for sharing!
