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Monday, February 13, 2017

January 2017 Goal Review

I know, I know, this is a little late but better late than never right? Somehow its already the middle of February and I haven't shared my January Goal Review yet! Each month I want to share with you how I have been doing with all my goals, the successes and the struggles! If you want to see the list of goals that I made for 2017, check out that post here. Let's just hop into it my January review!

[ ] Read 50 books I only read half of one book.. I know, not starting my goals list off well but I promise it picks up! I just really haven't had the desire to read and I'm not sure how to get that back! My niece who is supposed to be doing this one with me hasn't done very well either, what is wrong with us?
[ ] Do 25 regular push-ups in a row! At the end of January, I was up to 9!!!! I have not been able to do that many push-ups in a row forever! I worked at it almost every day and it obviously really helped!
[ ] Auxiliary pioneer at least one month! I'm looking to doing this during the Memorial season so I can help to invite as many people as I can to the most important day of the year, the memorial of Jesus death.
[ ] Daily text DAILY! I need to track this better but I would say about half of the month I completed this so I definitely need to work on consistency with this one.
[ ] Keep up with weekly Bible Reading! I only did this half of the month, its been a struggle so my husband and I decided this week that we are going to add this to our weekly family worship and do it together
[ ] Schedule a fun event with friends once a month! In January, I went to the Giving Tree Theater in Marion, Iowa with 3 friends and my mother-in-law to see the Father of the Bride! Hysterical!
[ ] Workout a minimum of 3 days a week! This was a complete success in January! I worked out 2 times two weeks and 4 times two weeks! Head over to my fitness blog to hear more about my fitness journey!
[ ] Earn 100 dollars blogging! As of January 31st, I have made $2.83 across all three blogs but I have only posted two posts. Definitely need to work on frequency of posting!
[ ] Take vitamins daily! I accomplished this almost everyday and only missed a couple days!
[ ] Double date once a month! We are actually were able to do this twice in January! Once we went to a friends house and had amazing homemade chicken alfredo, no chicken for me of course! The other time, we went out with a couple for Mexican and then went back to their house to hang out for a while. Had a great time with both of them! Definitely nice to do things with other couples!
[ ] Watch broadcast every month! We watched it the first week here!
[ ] Daily journal! I haven't been consistent with this but I have always made sure to catch it up!
[ ] Plank challenge January! COMPLETE! It kicked my butt but by the end of the month I was able to do a 80 second plank without letting my knees drop!

Starting in February we are also adding the goal of:
[ ] Plan date night once a month! After all, its important to still date your spouse!

I'd love to hear from you all to see what your goals for the year are and how you are working to achieve them! Until next time, let's keep it OrganizedForReal!

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