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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

February 2017 Goal Review

Um, February, I know you are short, but where did you go??? Somehow I turned 25 today which means it is already March! Each month I want to share with you how I have been doing with all my goals, the successes and the struggles! If you want to see the list of goals that I made for 2017, check out that post here. Let's just hop into it my February review!

[ ] Read 50 books So, I didn't finish the book that I was reading yet but I did start a book called "How To Be a Bad-ass!" I know, reading some of one book is not anywhere near where I should be to hit this goal but at least I'm really enjoying this book, am I right?
[ ] Do 25 regular push-ups in a row! I've been bad when it comes to the exercise goals... I threw out my back one week and was sick another. I haven't really made any progress in the push-ups but I can still do ten! I need to add this back to my daily routine!
[ ] Auxiliary pioneer at least one month! I'm looking to doing this during the Memorial season so I can help to invite as many people as I can to the most important day of the year, the memorial of Jesus death. I decided that I will be doing this in whichever month my boss' baby is born since
I will have a full week off and that will give me some extra time to be in the ministry.
[ ] Daily text DAILY! Yet again, I need to track this better but I would say only about a third of the month I completed this so I definitely need to work on consistency with this one .
[ ] Keep up with weekly Bible Reading! I haven't done well with this one at all, we did it one week during our Family Worship and it was very nice!
[ ] Schedule a fun event with friends once a month! In February, I wasn't the one to schedule a fun event but one of my best friends scheduled a spa day at her sisters house. It was nice to just relax, have some wine, pamper ourselves and have lots of laughs!
[ ] Workout a minimum of 3 days a week! I did so well with this in January but not so well in February.. like I said, I was sick out week and hurt my back really badly one week. Unfortunately, I have fallen out of routine and really need to just jump back into it! It's important!
[ ] Earn 100 dollars blogging! As of the end of February, I have made $2.84 total across all three blogs. That means I earned a penny! Lol! Not very big progress obviously but I definitely need to work on frequency of posting!
[ ] Take vitamins daily! Yet another thing I really need to work on. When I got sick I was taken so many vitamins to try to get over it (I was in bed for three whole days!) that I burnt myself out on vitamins and just the thought of them made me nauseous! So I didn't do well with vitamins the second half of the month.
[ ] Double date once a month! We hadn't actually scheduled a double date in February but we ended up getting to go to an ice cream shop with my brother and his wife before they flew out on vacation. Unexpected but very nice!
[ ] Watch broadcast every month! We watched it the second week here!
[ ] Daily journal!  I still haven't been consistent with this like I want to be but I have always made sure to catch it up!
[ ] Plan date night once a month! Graham did this one night in February but I didn't... Just shows that you really need to schedule date night or its doesn't happen!
[ ] Plank challenge January! COMPLETE! 

So obviously, February was a struggle... Between being sick and hurting myself, I just let things slide. And honestly, I didn't even care. But now its time to get back on the horse and work hard to hit my goals! I'd love to hear from you all to hear how your goals are going and how you are working to achieve them! Until next time, let's keep it OrganizedForReal!

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